
Silver 18KGP


Color: Silver

- ご選択の商品は入荷次第随時発送とさせて頂きます。発送まで1〜2ヶ月程度お時間頂く場合がございます。また工場の生産の都合上、納期が変更になる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
- ご予約頂きました商品に関しては、基本キャンセルは不可とさせて頂きます。
- ご予約頂いた時点でのキャンペーンに関して、出荷時にキャンペーンが終了している場合がございます。キャンペーン適応は、出荷時のキャンペーンとさせて頂きます。

- This product will ship as soon as it is delivered. It may take from one to two months until shipment. Additionally, there may also be changes in delivery due to the status of production at the factory. Thank you for your understanding.
- Orders cannot be cancelled for product ordered during reservation periods.
- There is the possibility that the promotional campaign from the time of reservation will have ended by the time product ships. The promotion currently running at the time of shipment will be the one applied to the order.
- ご選択の商品は入荷次第随時発送とさせて頂きます。発送まで1〜2ヶ月程度お時間頂く場合がございます。また工場の生産の都合上、納期が変更になる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
- ご予約頂きました商品に関しては、基本キャンセルは不可とさせて頂きます。
- ご予約頂いた時点でのキャンペーンに関して、出荷時にキャンペーンが終了している場合がございます。キャンペーン適応は、出荷時のキャンペーンとさせて頂きます。

- This product will ship as soon as it is delivered. It may take from one to two months until shipment. Additionally, there may also be changes in delivery due to the status of production at the factory. Thank you for your understanding.
- Orders cannot be cancelled for product ordered during reservation periods.
- There is the possibility that the promotional campaign from the time of reservation will have ended by the time product ships. The promotion currently running at the time of shipment will be the one applied to the order.
Style No
Silver: K210034
18KGP: K210035

Size: Free
high:1.5cm × wide:1cm

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